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Beautifying a Windows Form application [closed]


I will be creating a small database-driven Windows Forms application for my C# project. I wanted to beautify it like we do on web sites using CSS. Are there any resources or sites which can help me in beautifying my application?

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unknownsatan Avatar asked Aug 01 '12 22:08


People also ask

How do I stop a windows form from closing?

To cancel the closure of a form, set the Cancel property of the CancelEventArgs passed to your event handler to true .

Which event that has happen when you close your form?

The first, the FormClosing event, happens before the form is actually closed. In this event, you can still access any controls and variables in the form's class.

How do I close an app in Windows Forms?

System.Windows.Forms.Application.Exit( ) Forms. Application. Exit( )". This method internally informs all message loops in application that you must terminate.

What makes a Windows Forms application beautiful?

3 1 What, specifically, do you mean by "beautiful"? Windows Forms applications look very nice out of the box if the controls are laid out appropriately and the UI is functional. – Cody Gray♦ Feb 16 '11 at 7:09

How do I customize the look of my Windows Forms application?

You can customize the look of your Windows Forms applications in many different ways, such as changing the border, opacity, shape, style, or setting a background image for your Windows Forms application. Shows how to change the border style of a form. Describes this class and has links to all of its members.

How do I stop a Windows Forms application when the window closes?

A Windows Forms application exists, when the main window is closed. On applications with multiple windows and no main window, this behavior is unwanted. In such a case the application should quit when the last window is closed. A simple solution is to avoid the application start with the call Application.Run (Form).

Do Windows Forms look good out of the box?

Windows Forms applications look very nice out of the box if the controls are laid out appropriately and the UI is functional. – Cody Gray♦ Feb 16 '11 at 7:09 2 Just apply some makeup and a pair of goggles won't hurt either!!

2 Answers

You could try a library I built some time ago.


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Nedo Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09


"Beautify" and "Windows Forms" are not often used in the same sentence. WPF allows for significantly better design opportunities.

Some frameworks allow you to skin a WinForms application, which allows you to drive look through configuration rather than code.

How do I skin my Windows Forms application?

There's also a CodeProject project that provides a skinner, though I have not used it personally


When I used to write small WinForms utilities without access to a framework, I would subclass each major control, and apply a style in that subclass. One change to the subclass affects the entire app.

like image 36
Eric J. Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Eric J.