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Bean Validation 1.1 (JSR-349), implementation alternatives?

Besides the reference implementation, Hibernate Validator 5.x, are there alternative implementations of JSR 349 (successor to JSR 303)?

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cahen Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 15:04


People also ask

In which implementation is the JSR 303 standard used?

JSR-303 standardizes validation constraint declaration and metadata for the Java platform. Using this API, you annotate domain model properties with declarative validation constraints and the runtime enforces them. There are a number of built-in constraints you can can take advantage of.

What is JSR 349?

[Last Updated: Jul 1, 2018] JavaBean Validation JAVA EE. Bean Validation JSR 303, 349 and 380 offer a metadata model and API for Bean validation. The default metadata source is annotations, with the ability to override and extend the meta-data through the use of XML validation descriptors.

What is Bean Validation API?

The Bean Validation API provides a set of built-in constraints and an interface that enables you to declare custom constraints. This is accomplished by creating constraint annotations and declaring an annotation on a bean type, field, or property.

What are bean validation features?

The Bean Validation 2.0 specification provides an annotation based model for validating JavaBeans. It can be used to assert and maintain the integrity of data as it travels through an application. This feature is built on top of the Hibernate Validator Engine.

1 Answers

Bean Validation 1.1 is not yet 100% finished (but it is close to be done), so other vendors are waiting for the final release.

You might watch

  • https://code.google.com/p/gwt-validation/ and
  • http://bval.apache.org/

These are implementations of Bean Validation 1.0, but soon or later they would like to catch up with the final 1.1

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Piotr Kochański Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10

Piotr Kochański