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Batch file to copy directories recursively [closed]

People also ask

Is xcopy recursive?

To copy a single file or multiple files recursively with the Windows command prompt, use the xcopy command. The xcopy command is very similar to the copy command but it handles recursion and has many other options mainly related to recursion.

How do I copy a directory in recursively?

In order to copy the content of a directory recursively, you have to use the “cp” command with the “-R” option and specify the source directory followed by a wildcard character.

Should I use xcopy or robocopy?

Unlike Xcopy, Robocopy is used to mirror or synchronize directories. Robocopy will be able to check the target directory and delete files that are no longer in the main tree, instead of copying all files from one directory to another.

How do I copy a folder and subfolders in CMD?

Type "xcopy", "source", "destination" /t /e in the Command Prompt window. Instead of “ source ,” type the path of the folder hierarchy you want to copy. Instead of “ destination ,” enter the path where you want to store the copied folder structure. Press “Enter” on your keyboard.

Look into xcopy, which will recursively copy files and subdirectories.

There are examples, 2/3 down the page. Of particular use is:

To copy all the files and subdirectories (including any empty subdirectories) from drive A to drive B, type:

xcopy a: b: /s /e

After reading the accepted answer's comments, I tried the robocopy command, which worked for me (using the standard command prompt from Windows 7 64 bits SP 1):

robocopy source_dir dest_dir /s /e

You may write a recursive algorithm in Batch that gives you exact control of what you do in every nested subdirectory:

@echo off
call :treeProcess
goto :eof

rem Do whatever you want here over the files of this subdir, for example:
copy *.* C:\dest\dir
for /D %%d in (*) do (
    cd %%d
    call :treeProcess
    cd ..
exit /b

Windows Batch File Looping Through Directories to Process Files?

I wanted to replicate Unix/Linux's cp -r as closely as possible. I came up with the following:

xcopy /e /k /h /i srcdir destdir

Flag explanation:

/e Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones.
/k Copies attributes. Normal Xcopy will reset read-only attributes.
/h Copies hidden and system files also.
/i If destination does not exist and copying more than one file, assume destination is a directory.

I made the following into a batch file (cpr.bat) so that I didn't have to remember the flags:

xcopy /e /k /h /i %*

Usage: cpr srcdir destdir

You might also want to use the following flags, but I didn't:
/q Quiet. Do not display file names while copying.
/b Copies the Symbolic Link itself versus the target of the link. (requires UAC admin)
/o Copies directory and file ACLs. (requires UAC admin)