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bash command to read from network socket?



I am looking for a simple bash command to open a client socket, read everything from the socket, and then close the socket. Something like wget or curl for sockets.

Is there a command in Bash to do this? Of do I need to write a bash script?

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Jen S. Avatar asked Nov 26 '10 07:11

Jen S.

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2 Answers

Use nc. Its quick and easy. To connect to client on port 999, send it a request for a resource, and save that resource to disk, do the following:

echo "GET /files/a_file.mp3 HTTP/1.0" | nc -w 5 999 > /tmp/the_file.mp3

Switch -w 5 states that nc will wait 5 seconds max for a response. When nc is done downloading, the socket is closed.

If you want to send a more complex request, you can use gedit or some other text editor to write it, save it to file "reqest", and then cat that file through the pipe to nc:

cat request.txt | nc -w 5 999 > /tmp/the_file.mp3

You don't need write a script for this, because it is a one line command... But if you will use it often, writing a script is a must!

Hope I helped. :)

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Cipi Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10


Netcat is the tool usually used to do this, but it can also be done with the /dev/tcp and /dev/udp special pathnames.

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Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams