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Bash: check if input is empty in pipe [duplicate]



Let's say I have a bash command mycommand. Sometimes it writes something to output but always return exit code 0. I need use pipe to fix the exit code to be 0 for empty output and something else for non-empty output.

mycommand | ???

I'm not interested in ifs nor custom commands. I want just a simple command like grep with some parameters to check if its input is empty and return the exit code.

Preferably it should print the input if it is not empty but it's not mandatory.

like image 724
enumag Avatar asked Mar 19 '17 07:03


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1 Answers


yourcommand | grep -qv .

! ( yourcommand |  grep -q ^ )

Or inverse meaning: return false if nothing returned:

yourcommand |  grep -q ^ || echo no output.
like image 145
F. Hauri Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

F. Hauri