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Bash check element in array for elements in another array

I came over this cool Bash function for checking if an array contains an element:

  local e
  for e in "${@:2}"; do [[ "$e" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done
  return 1

Here is an example of it's usage:

if CONTAINS_ELEMENT $element "${array[@]}"; then

My question is this: Is there a way to rewrite this function so that it can check if any value within an array is equal to any value withing the other array, and not just check for one single value as it corrently does?

like image 589
Dan-Simon Myrland Avatar asked Jun 11 '13 10:06

Dan-Simon Myrland

People also ask

How do you check if an element is in an array Bash?

To find the index of specified element in an array in Bash, use For loop to iterate over the index of this array. In the for loop body, check if the current element is equal to the specified element. If there is a match, we may break the For loop and we have found index of first occurrence of specified element.

How do you test if all elements in array are same or not?

In order to check whether every value of your records/array is equal to each other or not, you can use this function. allEqual() function returns true if the all records of a collection are equal and false otherwise. let's look at the syntax… const allEqual = arr => arr.

What is =~?

The =~ operator is a regular expression match operator. This operator is inspired by Perl's use of the same operator for regular expression matching.

2 Answers


Try code bellow. ArrContains take two arguments, the name of the two arrays. It creates a temporary hash from lArr1 and then check if any elements of lArr2 is in the hash. This way the embedded for-loops can be avoided.


  local lArr1 lArr2
  declare -A tmp
  eval lArr1=("\"\${$1[@]}\"")
  eval lArr2=("\"\${$2[@]}\"")
  for i in "${lArr1[@]}";{ ((++tmp['$i']));}
  for i in "${lArr2[@]}";{ [ -n "${tmp[$i]}" ] && return 0;}
  return 1

arr1=("a b" b c)
arr2=(x 'b c' e)
arr3=(q a\ b y)
ArrContains arr1 arr2 && echo Contains arr1 arr2
ArrContains arr1 arr3 && echo Contains arr1 arr3


Contains arr1 arr3

Other way could be to define some separation character and concatenate the first hash. Then search for matching the SEPitemSEP string.

  local lArr1 lArr2 tmp
  eval lArr1=("\"\${$1[@]}\"")
  printf -v tmp ",%s" "${lArr1[@]}";
  eval lArr2=("\"\${$2[@]}\"")
  for i in "${lArr2[@]}";{ [[ $tmp =~ ,$i, ]] && return 0;}
  return 1
ArrContainsRe arr1 arr2 && echo ContainsRe arr1 arr2
ArrContainsRe arr1 arr3 && echo ContainsRe arr1 arr3


ContainsRe arr1 arr3
like image 170
TrueY Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10


Loop inside loop:


arrA=("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f")
arrZERO=("c" "e") # must be turned to "0"

echo "arrA:"
echo ${arrA[@]}
echo ""
echo "arrZERO:"
echo ${arrZERO[@]}

for (( i=0; i < ${#arrA[@]}; i++ ))
    for (( j=0; j < ${#arrZERO[@]}; j++ ))
        if [[ ${arrA[$i]} = ${arrZERO[$j]} ]]; then

echo ""
echo "FINAL"
echo ${arrA[@]}

Terminal will show:

a b c d e f

c e

a b 0 d 0 f
like image 31
Nerun Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10
