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Bad performance after color count

I have a problem with bad performance after implementing this code into my Excel list to count the filled cells without a color in the set range:

Function CountCcolor(range_data As Range, criteria As Range) As Long
    Dim datax As Range
    Dim xcolor As Long
    xcolor = criteria.Interior.ColorIndex
    For Each datax In range_data
        If datax.Interior.ColorIndex = xcolor And Not datax.Value = vbNullString Then
           CountCcolor = CountCcolor + 1
        End If
    Next datax
End Function

I use this one as well to count yellow and red cells on the same page in the set range, but it doesn't lower the performance as much as the one above:

Function Farbsumme(Bereich As Range, Farbe As Integer)
    Dim Zelle As Range
    For Each Zelle In Bereich
        If Zelle.Interior.ColorIndex = Farbe Then
            Farbsumme = Farbsumme + 1
        End If
End Function

Is there something I did wrong? Anything I could do better to increase the performance?

like image 814
Psychosun Avatar asked Aug 20 '18 07:08


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1 Answers

You might be using the other function in your sheet and every time it recalculates the application.volatile slows down your code.

Removing application.volatile might solve your problem.

like image 174
Imran Malek Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 07:10

Imran Malek