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Bad JSON to Custom JSON





I am currently trying to massage undesirable JSON output that I am returning into a format that is more valuable to me. Answers should be using jq or Python code (I am using the pyjq library in python)

Here is the current JSON output:

 {"colour":"Red", "car": [ {"year":2000, "make":"Honda", "model":"Accord"} ] },
 {"colour":"Blue", "car": [ {"year":2015, "make":"Toyota", "model":"Camry"} ] },
 {"colour":"Red", "car": [ {"year":1999, "make":"Dodge", "model":"Ram"} ] }

Using jq or possibly looping through using Python, I would like to format this into a new JSON object that looks like this:

 { "Red":[2000,1999] },
 { "Blue": 2015 }

Does anybody know how I can format any JSON that looks like the first snippet above, and turn it into the desired outcome listed in the second snippet.

like image 845
Hysi Avatar asked Jan 28 '23 18:01


2 Answers

If you loop through the data you can reform a new dict like:


output = {}
for datum in data:
    for car in datum['car']:
        output.setdefault(datum['colour'], []).append(car['year'])

Test Code:

data = [
    {"colour": "Red",
     "car": [{"year": 2000, "make": "Honda", "model": "Accord"}]},
    {"colour": "Blue",
     "car": [{"year": 2015, "make": "Toyota", "model": "Camry"}]},
    {"colour": "Red",
     "car": [{"year": 1999, "make": "Dodge", "model": "Ram"}]}

output = {}
for datum in data:
    for car in datum['car']:
        output.setdefault(datum['colour'], []).append(car['year'])


{'Red': [2000, 1999], 'Blue': [2015]}
like image 176
Stephen Rauch Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 08:01

Stephen Rauch

jq is perfect for this. Let's see what it can do. First, let's group the cars by color. group_by() takes an array and groups the elements by whatever sub-expression you want.

$ jq 'group_by(.colour)' input.json
        {"car":[{"model":"Ram",   "make":"Dodge","year":1999}],"colour":"Red"}

Then let's map each sub-array to a {color: [years]} object. The map() function takes an array and changes each input element into some new output element. We can use it to create the exact {color: [years]} objects we desire.

Let's start with a partial mapping. We'll pull out the colors and see what that looks like.

$ jq -c 'group_by(.colour) | map({(.[0].colour): []})' input.json

Perfect. We have the colors. Now to get the list of years we use map again, turn the sub-arrays of cars into arrays of years.

$ jq -c 'group_by(.colour) | map({(.[0].colour): map(.car[].year)})' input.json
like image 20
John Kugelman Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 07:01

John Kugelman