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"Bad file descriptor" when reading from FD 3 pointing to a temp file



My question is inspired by this SO answer.

Consider the script:

exec 3>"$tmpfile"
rm "$tmpfile"

>&3 cat <<EOS
line 1
line 2
line 3

cat <&3

You can play with it online here.

I expect it print out the 3 lines, but in fact I get a "Bad file descriptor" error.

Why does the above not work? How can it be altered so that it does?

Note: The error persists even if you delete the 3rd line: rm "$tmpfile".

like image 682
Jonah Avatar asked Mar 30 '19 20:03


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I recommend you to use the "open", "close", "dup" etc... system call and deal with file descriptors 0 an 1 directly (or, better, the standard macros STDIN_FILENO and STDOUT_FILENO). Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

Video Answer

1 Answers

You only opened file descriptor 3 for writing, not reading. Change that line to

exec 3<>"$tmpfile"

and the bad file descriptor error will go away.

However, cat <&3 still won't produce any output, because the file pointer is still at the end of the file after the previous write. You would need to seek back to the beginning of the file to output what you just wrote, but bash doesn't provide a way to seek. The best you can do is reopen the file for reading, either by closing and reopening file descriptor 3 or by opening on another file descriptor.

Since the goal is to read the file after its only link has been removed, you'll have to open another file descriptor for reading before you delete it.

exec 3> "$tmpfile"
exec 4< "$tmpfile"

rm "$tmpfile"

>&3 cat <<EOS
line 1
line 2
line 3

cat <&4

Although 3 and 4 both refer to the same file, they each maintain a separate file pointer. There's no need to open 3 for reading and writing; you can write to the file on descriptor 3, then read the contents from descriptor 4.

like image 116
chepner Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09
