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Backup Postman Configuration to file - environment and settings



How do you backup all the configuration including environments, globals and collections to a file?

like image 669
Martin Peter Avatar asked Jun 29 '18 12:06

Martin Peter

2 Answers

Download all data (including collections, globals, etc.)

Export using the Postman application:

Settings -> Data tab -> Export Data -> Download

enter image description here

Download collections

Download each collection from the Postman application: Click on the triple dots and select Export

enter image description here

Backup integrations

You can set up an auto integration to back up your collections (to Github, etc.):

Login into the website and select your workspace, then go under the integrations tab and add API integration.

enter image description here

If you want to set up integrations to other software (e.g. Bitbucket) that isn't available, you can achieve by using the custom webhook. For more details, you can read this official blog post.

The related official blog post for backup options.

like image 132
Jee Mok Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Jee Mok

I found this answer for my question - although it didn't answer the original question over there.

Basically you can create a .json export file like this:

Settings -> Data tab -> Export Data -> Download
like image 43
Martin Peter Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

Martin Peter