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Backup AWS lambda's functions

I want to backup my configured lambdas in AWS. I already searched online but not mention of how to do this Any idea how to implement this?


like image 761
Amits Avatar asked May 15 '18 09:05


2 Answers

(a bit late)

Go to drop down menu "actions", select "export function", then choose "download aws sam file", this will give you a YAML file to use in AWS CloudFormation, then choose the other option "download deployment package".

Now that you have these 2 files you can recreate the Lambda Function as follows:, 1) use the YAML file in CloudFormation, 2) Once you have the function re-created upload the zip package.

Bear in mind that if you have triggers, i.e: Api Gateway, you have to add them manually. Perhaps there is a better way to do this but so far this has worked for me. enter image description here enter image description here

like image 193
farp332 Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11


  1. Open up your function from the 'Lambda Management Console'.
  2. Navigate to 'Actions>Publish New Version'.
  3. This will create a read-only copy of your latest version.


like image 38
Gary Vernon Grubb Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11

Gary Vernon Grubb