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Backtracking in recursive predicates

Assume we have the following predicates (This is an example from Programming in Prolog):

[F0] isInteger(0).
[F1] isInteger(X):- isInteger(Y), X is Y+1.
  1. The first result for query isInteger(R), the marker is placed at F0, and will return R=0

  2. If user presses ; , the marker is placed at F1, we move to subgoal(isInteger(Y), which is satisfied with F0) and R=1.

I understand the above. Now here are my questions:

  1. If user presses ; again, where is the marker? How does the search proceed to return R=2? I have tried to understand the images in page 78-79 of the book, but it is not clear to me. The online tutorials that I found, do not handle backtracking in presence of recursion.

I am looking for any tutorials that explain backtracking in presence of recursion, hopefully with images of stack contents that helps me understand.

Thank you in advance Suzanne

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Suzanne L. Avatar asked Jan 02 '13 00:01

Suzanne L.

People also ask

What is recursive backtracking?

Backtracking can be thought of as a selective tree/graph traversal method. The tree is a way of representing some initial starting position (the parent node) and a final goal state (one of the leaves).

What is the difference between backtracking and recursion?

Difference between Recursion and Backtracking: In recursion, the function calls itself until it reaches a base case. In backtracking, we use recursion to explore all the possibilities until we get the best result for the problem.

What is backtracking in Prolog explain with example?

Backtracking is a procedure, in which prolog searches the truth value of different predicates by checking whether they are correct or not. The backtracking term is quite common in algorithm designing, and in different programming environments. In Prolog, until it reaches proper destination, it tries to backtrack.

What do you mean by backtracking?

Backtracking is a technique based on algorithm to solve problem. It uses recursive calling to find the solution by building a solution step by step increasing values with time. It removes the solutions that doesn't give rise to the solution of the problem based on the constraints given to solve the problem.

1 Answers

Understanding backtracking and recursion by using images works for very tiny examples, but it does not scale to larger programs. Also, by stepping through a program you easily miss the most interesting properties. Fortunately, there are better notions than that. Let's take your example isInteger/1.

Set of solutions/answers

Your primary interest is to ensure that you are describing the right thing. Here, the second rule is most interesting. Read it in the direction of the arrow :-. That is, right-to-left: Provided Y is an integer, and X is Y+1 then also X is an integer.

Then, you can estimate the set of solutions which is infinite in this case.

Termination properties

The next question concerns the termination properties of the predicate. Note, that it cannot – in fact must not – terminate, if it has to produce infinitely many answers. On the other hand, ground queries like isInteger(1) have either one or no solution. So it is desirable that the predicate terminates for such cases. However, your definition does not terminate here!

Failure slices

To better understand this, I will use a failure-slice. That is, I will insert goals false into your program. If the resulting program fragment does not terminate, then the original doesn't.

?- isInteger(1), false

isInteger(0) :- false.
isInteger(X) :-
   isInteger(Y), false,
   X is Y+1.

Only a very small part is responsible for non-termination! The remaining part does not even look at the value of X at all. Therefore your program terminates never. No matter how you call it.

See failure-slice for more examples.

like image 69
false Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10
