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Prolog list difference routine

I am trying to implement a list difference routine in prolog. For some reason the following fails:

difference(Xs,Ys,D) :- difference(Xs,Ys,[],D).
difference([],_,A,D) :- D is A, !.
difference([X|Xs],Ys,A,D) :-
  A1 is [X|A],

When trying:

?- difference([1,2],[],D).

I get this error:

ERROR: '.'/2: Type error: `[]' expected, found `1' ("x" must hold one character)
^  Exception: (10) _L161 is [2|1] ? 
like image 681
TheOne Avatar asked Oct 06 '09 01:10


1 Answers

Your usage A1 is [X|A] is incorrect. Predicate is is used only for arithmetics. Btw, SWI-Prolog has built-in subtract predicate:

1 ?- subtract([1,2,3,a,b],[2,a],R).
R = [1, 3, b].

2 ?- listing(subtract).
subtract([], _, []) :- !.
subtract([A|C], B, D) :-
        memberchk(A, B), !,
        subtract(C, B, D).
subtract([A|B], C, [A|D]) :-
        subtract(B, C, D).


Is this what you need?

like image 54
Volodymyr Gubarkov Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Volodymyr Gubarkov