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Backpropagation for rectified linear unit activation with cross entropy error

I'm trying to implement gradient calculation for neural networks using backpropagation. I cannot get it to work with cross entropy error and rectified linear unit (ReLU) as activation.

I managed to get my implementation working for squared error with sigmoid, tanh and ReLU activation functions. Cross entropy (CE) error with sigmoid activation gradient is computed correctly. However, when I change activation to ReLU - it fails. (I'm skipping tanh for CE as it retuls values in (-1,1) range.)

Is it because of the behavior of log function at values close to 0 (which is returned by ReLUs approx. 50% of the time for normalized inputs)? I tried to mitiage that problem with:


but it only helped to bring error and gradients back to real numbers - they are still different from numerical gradient.

I verify the results using numerical gradient:

num_grad = (f(W+epsilon) - f(W-epsilon)) / (2*epsilon)

The following matlab code presents a simplified and condensed backpropagation implementation used in my experiments:

function [f, df] = backprop(W, X, Y)
% W - weights
% X - input values
% Y - target values

act_type='relu';    % possible values: sigmoid / tanh / relu
error_type = 'CE';  % possible values: SE / CE

N=size(X,1); n_inp=size(X,2); n_hid=100; n_out=size(Y,2);
w2=reshape(W(n_hid*(n_inp+1)+1:end),n_out, n_hid+1);

% feedforward
X=[X ones(N,1)];
z2=X*w1'; a2=act(z2,act_type); a2=[a2 ones(N,1)];
z3=a2*w2'; y=act(z3,act_type);

if strcmp(error_type, 'CE')   % cross entropy error - logistic cost function
    f=-sum(sum( Y.*log(max(y,eps))+(1-Y).*log(max(1-y,eps)) ));
else % squared error

% backprop
if strcmp(error_type, 'CE')   % cross entropy error
else % squared error




function f=act(z,type) % activation function
switch type
    case 'sigmoid'
    case 'tanh'
    case 'relu'

function df=dact(z,type) % derivative of activation function
switch type
    case 'sigmoid'
    case 'tanh'
    case 'relu'


After another round of experiments, I found out that using a softmax for the last layer:

y=bsxfun(@rdivide, exp(z3), sum(exp(z3),2));

and softmax cost function:


make the implementaion working for all activation functions including ReLU.

This leads me to conclusion that it is the logistic cost function (binary clasifier) that does not work with ReLU:

f=-sum(sum( Y.*log(max(y,eps))+(1-Y).*log(max(1-y,eps)) ));

However, I still cannot figure out where the problem lies.

like image 710
Pr1mer Avatar asked Jun 22 '14 12:06


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How does cross entropy helps in back propagation in an Ann?

The ANN is implemented using the cross entropy error function in the training stage. The cross entropy function is proven to accelerate the backpropagation algorithm and to provide good overall network performance with relatively short stagnation periods.

Which activation function is used in backpropagation?

Non-linear activation functions solve the following limitations of linear activation functions: They allow backpropagation because now the derivative function would be related to the input, and it's possible to go back and understand which weights in the input neurons can provide a better prediction.

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The backpropagation algorithm works by computing the gradient of the loss function with respect to each weight via the chain rule, computing the gradient layer by layer, and iterating backward from the last layer to avoid redundant computation of intermediate terms in the chain rule.

How do you calculate cross entropy loss?

Cross-entropy loss is calculated by taking the difference between our prediction and actual output. We then multiply that value with `-y * ln(y)`. This means we take a negative number, raise it to the power of the logarithm of y (which will be positive), and then subtract this from our original calculation.

1 Answers

Every squashing function sigmoid, tanh and softmax (in the output layer) means different cost functions. Then makes sense that a RLU (in the output layer) does not match with the cross entropy cost function. I will try a simple square error cost function to test a RLU output layer.

The true power of RLU is in the hidden layers of a deep net since it not suffer from gradient vanishing error.

like image 193
Seguy Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
