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Factorise symbolic expression (square of a sum) in MATLAB

If I start with the following symbolic expression:

a^2 + 2*a*b + b^2

Then run simplify (or factor), I get the expected result:

>> simplify(a^2 + 2*a*b + b^2)

(a + b)^2

Now when I run the same example, but adding another term, no factorisation occurs:

>> simplify(a^2 + 2*a*b + b^2 + 1)

a^2 + 2*a*b + b^2 + 1

How can I get these functions to return the more practical version of this expression ((a + b)^2 + 1)? I have tried all of the obvious options with these functions (like 'Steps', 'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints', etc.) but to no avail.

Context: I have the expression ax^2 - 2*ax*bx + bx^2 + ay^2 - 2*ay*by + by^2 which I need to convert back into (ax - bx)^2 + (ay - by)^2 so it can then be treated correctly as r^2. I know I could use some blunt substitution rules, but for something so simple I feel like I'm missing an obvious 'non-hack' solution.

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btalb Avatar asked Feb 10 '16 01:02


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1 Answers

you can run simplify on the two terms separately.

simplify(ax^2 - 2*ax*bx + bx^2) + simplify(ay^2 - 2*ay*by + by^2)

It seems like you already know how it should be simplified anyway.

Also, you eventually want to write it as r^2. This is not generally possible for all second-order expressions, so don't bother trying to find a general solution.

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tvo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
