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Backing up your code to the cloud [closed]

I want to backup my code regularly to the cloud. What's the cheapest and easiest way to do this for a single developer? I was thinking of running my code completely from a DropBox share (continuous synchronization with their free storage plan), which seem to meet the requirement of cheap and easy -- but, any problems with this idea?

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Steve Sprite Avatar asked Dec 31 '10 02:12

Steve Sprite

People also ask

How do I back up my data to the cloud?

If you need to back up all data stored on your computer to the cloud, use the Backup & Sync tool. With this option, your backed up data will be updated automatically when you make changes.

How do I backup my iOS device to the cloud?

A personal Microsoft account to act as your recovery account. For iOS only, you must have an iCloud account for the actual storage location. Turn on cloud backup for iOS devices On your iOS device, select Settings, select Backup, and then turn on iCloud backup.

What is the best way to back up your code?

Online backup service. There are many now. But a local cvs respostory is a good idea for backup of code, because the development history it provides is eventually invaluable. Show activity on this post.

Is it worth it to back up documents in the cloud?

Often, previous versions of your files are kept too, allowing you to restore a document to its original state, before unwanted changes were made. If you don’t have that many files to back up, then cloud services can be very cost effective. Most providers offer a small amount of storage completely free of charge.

1 Answers

Use Git for source control and get yourself a free (or $7/month if you want private repos) GitHub account (an online repository where you can push your changes).

This way you'll get the benefits of a modern source control system, plus free online backup and online availability of your source code.

Even for a lone developer a source control system is advantageous e.g. history auditing, change annotation, change grouping, rollback, branching, etc. Dropbox is likely to be pretty unsophisticated in these respects.

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Tim Lloyd Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10

Tim Lloyd