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Background Services are restricted in Xiaomi and Oppo

We are developing an app With MQTT running in a foreground service. The problem is on Xiaomi Redmi Note 7, the service gets killed after we kill the app but on other brands It works fine. I did not test the app on Oppo and Vivo but as I searched they have problem too. In onCreate method of the service, I called startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification) and my service declaration in manifest is like this

    android:foregroundServiceType="location" />

I've also changed foregroundServiceType to connectedDevice|dataSync|mediaPlayback and added android:stopWithTask="false" and returned START_STICKY in onStartCommand method of service but still not working.

like image 580
Behrad Ranjbar Avatar asked Dec 22 '19 06:12

Behrad Ranjbar

People also ask

How do I restrict background data on xiaomi?

Tap Battery & performance from Settings. 3. Tap Manage apps battery usage to save battery by turning off restricting background service of Nine. 4.

1 Answers

Finally I've found the answer here

private static final Intent[] POWERMANAGER_INTENTS = {
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.miui.securitycenter", "com.miui.permcenter.autostart.AutoStartManagementActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.letv.android.letvsafe", "com.letv.android.letvsafe.AutobootManageActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.huawei.systemmanager", "com.huawei.systemmanager.startupmgr.ui.StartupNormalAppListActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.huawei.systemmanager", "com.huawei.systemmanager.optimize.process.ProtectActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.huawei.systemmanager", "com.huawei.systemmanager.appcontrol.activity.StartupAppControlActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.coloros.safecenter", "com.coloros.safecenter.permission.startup.StartupAppListActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.coloros.safecenter", "com.coloros.safecenter.startupapp.StartupAppListActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.oppo.safe", "com.oppo.safe.permission.startup.StartupAppListActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.iqoo.secure", "com.iqoo.secure.ui.phoneoptimize.AddWhiteListActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.iqoo.secure", "com.iqoo.secure.ui.phoneoptimize.BgStartUpManager")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.vivo.permissionmanager", "com.vivo.permissionmanager.activity.BgStartUpManagerActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.samsung.android.lool", "com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.htc.pitroad", "com.htc.pitroad.landingpage.activity.LandingPageActivity")),
    new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.asus.mobilemanager", "com.asus.mobilemanager.MainActivity"))

for (Intent intent : POWERMANAGER_INTENTS)
    if (getPackageManager().resolveActivity(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY) != null) {
            // show dialog to ask user action

edit: Also there is a problem checking if the user enabled auto-start or not. As I searched, currently there are no solutions available. So I designed a solution myself. I created a worker which will save system's time in preferences every 25 min. Every time the app is opened, I check the preferences, and if it is more than 30 min passed from the saved time, It means that worker could not do the work, so possibly user did not enable auto-start the last time and must prompt again.

class BackgroundCheckWorker(val appContext: Context, val workerParams: WorkerParameters) :
Worker(appContext, workerParams), KoinComponent {

override fun doWork(): Result {
    val pref = appContext.getSharedPreferences(PermissionHandler.AUTO_START_PREF, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
    val editor = pref.edit()
    editor.putString(AUTO_START_PREF_KEY, Calendar.getInstance().time.toString())
    return Result.success()

And in splash I call this function:

fun requestUnrestrictedBackgroundService(context: Activity): Boolean {
            val pref = context.getSharedPreferences(AUTO_START_PREF, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
            var updated = false
            val lastUpdate = pref.getString(AUTO_START_PREF_KEY, "")
            updated = if (lastUpdate == null || lastUpdate == "") {
                val editor = pref.edit()
                editor.putString(AUTO_START_PREF_KEY, Calendar.getInstance().time.toString())
            } else lastUpdate != "" &&
                    DateUtil.minAgo(lastUpdate) <= 30
            if (!updated) {
                for (intent in POWERMANAGER_INTENTS)
                    if (context.packageManager.resolveActivity(
                        ) != null
                    ) {
                            val dialog = AlertDialog.Builder(context)
                            dialog.setMessage("On this device you must allow us to run services in background")
                                .setPositiveButton("Yes") { paramDialogInterface, paramInt ->
                                    val editor = pref.edit()
                                    editor.putString(AUTO_START_PREF_KEY, Calendar.getInstance().time.toString())
                                    context.startActivityForResult(intent, 1234)
                                .setNegativeButton("Cancel") { paramDialogInterface, paramInt -> context.finish() }
                            return false
            return true
like image 191
Behrad Ranjbar Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 23:10

Behrad Ranjbar