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Where are Full Bleed Layer image icons used?



My question is: When creating an app icon, something called Full Bleed Layers is created as well and I don't know where this icon will be in use.


like image 827
Lukas Avatar asked Sep 06 '19 17:09


People also ask

What is full bleed layer in Android?

Full bleed layers = the base adaptive icon, which is being masked (it is only being shown masked). The link in the SDK documentation is broken: see Designing Adaptive Icons. Follow this answer to receive notifications.

Are adaptive icons required?

The benefits of this is it offers a more unified home screen for Android users as all of the app icons will take the masked shape. The downside for not implementing adaptive icons is your application will stick out and its icon will look unprofessional on newer devices, compared to the other icons.

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xml , create alternative drawable resources in your app for backward-compatibility with Android 8.0 (API level 26). You can then use the <adaptive-icon> element to define the foreground, background, and monochromatic layer drawables for your icons.

1 Answers

Full bleed layers = the base adaptive icon, which is being masked (it is only being shown masked).

The link in the SDK documentation is broken: see Designing Adaptive Icons.

like image 119
Martin Zeitler Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10

Martin Zeitler