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Backbone.js and Embedded One-To-Many Associations

The App Layout

I am building an App, where one can create surveys. Every survey has multiple questions. I am embedding the questions into the survey model (with embeds_many in Mongoid), so a survey may look like this:

  "id":    "4f300a68115eed1ddf000004",
  "title": "Example Survey",
      "id":      "4f300a68115eed1ddf00000a",
      "title":   "Please describe your experience with backbone.js", 
      "type":    "textarea"
      "title":   "Do you like it?", 
      "id":      "4f300a68115eed1ddf00000b",
      "type":    "radiobutton",
      "options": ["Yes", "Yes, a lot!"]

Now, there is also a survey editor which consists of a SurveyView, which displays the survey and lists the questions. If I click on a single question, a QuestionView will pop up, where I can edit the question. And when I am satisfied with my survey and I click save, the SurveyModel will be sent to the server.

The problem

What is the best way to handle the embedded association?

If I pass survey.get("questions")[any_index] to the QuestionView, and the question gets changed, I have to manually search for the question.id in my model and update my model. This feels wrong.

If I create a QuestionsCollection in my SurveyModel (is this even possible?). Then I can do things like fetching a Question out of this collection by id, pass it to the view and when I change the model, everything will get updated automatically, but I have to specify an url in the collection, and backbone will send single questions to the server, if things get updated.

Any suggestion on how to do this the backbone way?

like image 867
iblue Avatar asked Feb 11 '12 21:02


People also ask

Is BackboneJS still relevant?

Backbone. Backbone has been around for a long time, but it's still under steady and regular development. It's a good choice if you want a flexible JavaScript framework with a simple model for representing data and getting it into views.

What is the use of BackboneJS?

BackboneJS is a lightweight JavaScript library that allows to develop and structure the client side applications that run in a web browser. It offers MVC framework which abstracts data into models, DOM into views and bind these two using events.

What is BackboneJS model?

Model contains dynamic data and its logic. It performs various types of action on the data like validation, conversion, computed properties, access control etc. 1. It extends Backbone.

Is backbone JavaScript framework?

Backbone. js is a JavaScript framework that helps you organize your code. It is literally a backbone upon which you build your application. It doesn't provide widgets (like jQuery UI or Dojo).

1 Answers

The way to do embedded one-to-many associations in backbone.js

I have implemented the answer from @Sander and just wanted to post some code:

class Survey extends Backbone.Model

  # Handles the Survey.questions association to parse stuff from the server
  parse: (resp) ->
    if @attributes?.questions?
      resp.questions = new QuestionsCollection(resp.questions)

  # Recollects Survey.questions
  toJSON: ->
    attributes = _.clone(@attributes)
    attributes.questions = attributes.questions.toJSON()

Then I can do stuff like:

survey = Survey.get("my-id")
survey.questions.at(0).title = "First question"
survey.questions.at(1).title = "Second question"

Which works quite comfortable.

like image 127
2 revs Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10

2 revs