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Backbone - performing multiple fetch() before rendering a view



I was wondering about the best pattern/approach here. This is a function in my router, so the user hits 'quotes/:id', but for that view to render, I need a list of their projects, customers and currencies. What would be the best way to make sure all 3 fetches() have occurred before trying to instantiate the quotesEdit view? Is it considered bad practice to grab all the information when the user clicks something?

    quotesEdit: function(id) {
        kf.Collections.quotes = kf.Collections.quotes || new kf.Collections.Quotes();
        kf.Collections.projects = kf.Collections.projects || new kf.Collections.Projects();
        kf.Collections.currencies = kf.Collections.currencies || new kf.Collections.Currencies();
        //do a fetch() for the 3 above
        kf.Collections.customers = kf.Collections.customers || new kf.Collections.Customers();
        var quote = kf.Collections.quotes.where({Id: parseInt(id, 10)});
        kf.Utils.ViewManager.swap('sectionPrimary', new kf.Views.section({
          section: 'quotesEdit',
          model: quote[0]
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benhowdle89 Avatar asked Feb 19 '13 16:02


2 Answers

I find a combination of jQuery deferreds and underscore's invoke method solves this elegantly:

//call fetch on the three collections, and keep their promises
var complete = _.invoke([quotes, projects, currencies], 'fetch');

//when all of them are complete...
$.when.apply($, complete).done(function() {
   //all ready and good to go...
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jevakallio Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10


Promises! Specifically jQuery.when

You can do something like this:

  // render your view.

jQuery.ajax (and by extension backbone fetch) returns a promise and you can use $.when to set a callback function once multiple promises are resolved.

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mrappleton Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10
