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Render a Backbone.js collection

I am a Backbone.js n00b and trying to get my head around it. I know how to render a model using a view and the built-in underscore.js templating engine. Now I'm trying to render a collection and that's where I get stuck. There is no server here, so I'm not fetching anything remotely, just a simple HTML page with some JavaScript.

ContinentModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});

ContinentsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
  model: ContinentModel,

  initialize: function () {
    this.continentsView = new ContinentsView;
    this.bind("reset", this.continentsView.render);

ContinentsView = Backbone.View.extend({
  el: '#continents',
  template: _.template($('#continents-template').html()),

  render: function() {
    var renderedContent = this.template(this.collection.toJSON());
    return this;

$(function() {
  var continentsCollection = new ContinentsCollection();
  continentsCollection.reset([{name: "Asia"}, {name: "Africa"}]);

It breaks on the template attribute line in the view but I'm not sure that's where I need to look. Am I supposed to render a collection or do I miss the point completely here (maybe collections are just grouping objects and I shouldn't look at it as a list I can render)?

Thanks for helping...

like image 474
Cimm Avatar asked Oct 31 '11 21:10


People also ask

How do I render a view in Backbone JS?

render() The Backbone. js render method overrides itself with your code that renders the view template from model data and updates this with new HTML. It contains the logic for rendering the template which constructs the view.

Does anyone still use Backbone JS?

Backbone. Backbone has been around for a long time, but it's still under steady and regular development. It's a good choice if you want a flexible JavaScript framework with a simple model for representing data and getting it into views.

What is collections in Backbone JS?

Advertisements. Collections are ordered sets of Models. We just need to extend the backbone's collection class to create our own collection. Any event that is triggered on a model in a collection will also be triggered on the collection directly.

1 Answers

The problem is that when you define ContinentsView, the template is evaluated and it uses $('#continents-template') - but the DOM is not ready yet, so it does not find the template.

To solve it, simply move the template assignment in the initialize function:

ContinentsView = Backbone.View.extend({
  el: '#continents',
  initialize: function() {
     this.template = _.template($('#continents-template').html());

Regarding collections, yes, they are grouping objects, specifically sets of models.

You should make the code so the models (and collections) do NOT know about the views, only the views know about models.

ContinentModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});

ContinentsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
  model: ContinentModel,
  // no reference to any view here    

ContinentsView = Backbone.View.extend({
  el: '#continents',

  initialize: function() {
    this.template = _.template($('#continents-template').html());
    // in the view, listen for events on the model / collection
    this.collection.bind("reset", this.render, this);

  render: function() {
    var renderedContent = this.template(this.collection.toJSON());
    return this;

$(function() {
  var continentsCollection = new ContinentsCollection();
  continentsCollection.reset([{name: "Asia"}, {name: "Africa"}]);
  // initialize the view and pass the collection
  var continentsView = new ContinentsView({collection: continentsCollection});
like image 62
dira Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09
