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Back up connection list in SQL Server Management Studio


I've got a problem with the available connections list in SQL Server Management Studio. There is a window with server name when you try to establish connection. I had like 20 of them saved and I only had to choose from the dropdown. After Management Studio was closed in an improper way, all connections are gone.

For the future, is there any way to back up these saved connections?

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gruber Avatar asked Jan 03 '13 09:01


People also ask

How do I save connections in SQL Server Management Studio?

Under the "View" menu, select "Registered Servers", and a new panel will appear. You can save servers in "Local Server Groups" (which is under "Database Engine") by right-clicking and selecting "New Server Registration". You can also select "New Server Group" if you want to organize your servers into groups.

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In SQL Server Management Studio, right click on Server, choose "Activity Monitor" from context menu -or- use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + A .

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In order to allow SQL to backup directly to a network share, we have to run the SQL Server service as a local account which does have access to network resources. Edit the properties of the SQL Server service and on the Log On tab, configure the service to run as an alternate account which has network access rights.

1 Answers

Under the "View" menu, select "Registered Servers", and a new panel will appear. You can save servers in "Local Server Groups" (which is under "Database Engine") by right-clicking and selecting "New Server Registration". You can also select "New Server Group" if you want to organize your servers into groups.

In the future, just cancel out of the login window when you open SQL Server Management Studio, and double-click one of your saved servers to connect to it.

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djhayman Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 20:10
