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Azure Web App VSTS Pre-compile Views (Not updatable)

In my VSTS Build process for the build task I have the following flags set to pre-compile the views:

/p:PrecompileBeforePublish=true /p:UseMerge=true

This works fine and I can see the views are pre-compiled and the site is definitely faster.

However, I can't seem to work out whether either of these sets the flag to allow or not the site to be updatable, obviously I don't want it to be updatable but no amount of Googling has found a suitable answer and I'm not sure if there is another way I can check?


like image 880
Simon Avatar asked Jan 24 '18 22:01


1 Answers

You'll want to use the EnableUpdateable MSBuild property:

/p:EnableUpdateable=false /p:PrecompileBeforePublish=true /p:UseMerge=true
like image 130
Josh E Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 17:11

Josh E