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Azure Function static constructor error logging

I have an Azure Function app (using the newer .net class library approach) that I initialize with a static constructor so as to share generated resources.

Official documentation recommends sharing resources like an HttpClient in a web api.

The discussion at the bottom of the docs on Azure Functions C# script developer reference mentions placing an HttpClient in a static variable to prevent re-instantiation on each request since it is thread-safe.

I'm wondering two things.

  1. Is a static constructor ok for initializing my expensive to 'set-up' resources used by all requests?

  2. If this approach is ok, how should error logging be configured in a static constructor if the initialization of these resources fails?

Here is my class definition

public static class HttpSubmissionTrigger
    private static readonly SendGridClient sendGridClient;
    private static readonly Func<IDictionary<string, object>, string> template;
    private static readonly EmailAddress senderEmail;
    private static readonly string emailTitle;
    private static readonly HttpResponseMessage errorResponse;

    static HttpSubmissionTrigger()
          // ... initialization of above static members here

    public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run(...)
         // ... use static members here to send emails, respond to client

I perform error logging in my Run method using the DI of the TraceWriter, which works fine. I can use this to view errors in the Azure portal console for the function, but static constructors can't have parameters, so that approach won't work for resource initialization.

There is another reference to this question in the Azure function docs but the response was to ask the question here.

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seangwright Avatar asked Aug 18 '17 16:08


People also ask

When and how many times a static constructor is called?

A static constructor is used to initialize any static data, or to perform a particular action that needs to be performed only once. It is called automatically before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced.

Can static constructor have parameters in C#?

Static Constructors should not have any parameters. static constructor does not contain parameters. static constructor is called when the execution of the class is started. It is the first member to be execute in the class.

Can we have static constructor in non-static class in C#?

Also, you can have a static constructor in a static class or a non-static class. A static constructor is used to initialize the static members of a class. The static constructor of a class is invoked the first time a static member of the class is accessed.

Which constructor is called first in C# static or default?

That's why you can see in the output that Static Constructor is called first. Times of Execution: A static constructor will always execute once in the entire life cycle of a class. But a non-static constructor can execute zero time if no instance of the class is created and n times if the n instances are created.

1 Answers

You're not limited to the static constructor to perform initialization logic for shared resources.

One approach, of a few possible, would be to have a class managing those resources for you, where you'd perform static initialization when your function is invoked, passing loggers and other relevant information, ensuring appropriate checks to avoid double initialization.

The function filters feature we'll be releasing soon will help with these scenarios as well: https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk/wiki/Function-Filters

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Fabio Cavalcante Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Fabio Cavalcante