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azure devops build pipeline reduce the timeout to 30 minutes

Is there a way to change the timeout for build pipeline, currently the pipeline time's out after 60 mintues. I want to reduce it to 30 minutes.

I looked at all the organization settings and project settings, but not able to find anything on the UI

Or else can it be set from YAML?

like image 842
harishr Avatar asked May 07 '19 05:05


People also ask

How do you reduce build time on Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps ServicesPipeline caching can help reduce build time by allowing the outputs or downloaded dependencies from one run to be reused in later runs, thereby reducing or avoiding the cost to recreate or redownload the same files again.

How do I set the timeout on my azure pipeline?

Select the job and then specify the timeout value. On the Options tab, you can specify default values for all jobs in the pipeline. If you specify a non-zero value for the job timeout, then it overrides any value that is specified in the pipeline options.

How does Azure DevOps pipeline increase timeout?

Edit the pipeline you want to modify. On the Options tab, there is an option Build job timeout in minutes, which you can set the Build job timeout, the default value is 60 minutes. This timeout are including all tasks in your build pipeline rather than a particular job, if one of your build step out of time.

How do I speed up my Azure DevOps pipeline?

Add parallel build execution so we can speed up the build process. For more info see, Azure DevOps parallel jobs. Enable parallel execution of test suites, which is often a huge time saver, especially when executing integration and UI tests. For more info see, Run tests in parallel using Azure Pipeline.

1 Answers

For a YAML pipeline the documentation says you can write

- job: Test
  timeoutInMinutes: 10 # how long to run the job before automatically cancelling
  cancelTimeoutInMinutes: 2 # how much time to give 'run always even if cancelled tasks' before stopping them

timeoutInMinutes: 0 should also work for individual tasks, and 0 means max value (infinite for self-hosted agents).

like image 158
Lars Pellarin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Lars Pellarin