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Azure Compute Emulator will not start



I have recently upgraded to the new Azure SDK (September 2011 v 1.5).

Ever since I have not been able to start the compute emulator. Consequently I can't debug the services on my local machine.

I have seen a suggestion that the problem lies with the fact that my user account has a space in it, so I renamed my account but that didn't make any difference. It may be that the problem is that my user profile path has a space in it. Changing the account name has no effect no the profile path.

On the msdn forums it was suggested that I remove *:808 binding in IIS Manager for Default Website. See MSDN Forums

Anyone have any other ideas?

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David Steele Avatar asked Sep 20 '11 06:09

David Steele

People also ask

How do I run Azure storage emulator as an administrator?

Click Start, point to All Programs, and then click Windows Azure SDK. 2. Right-click on Windows Azure SDK Command Prompt and then click Run as administrator.

What is Windows Azure compute emulator?

Compute Emulator and Storage Emulator are the two tools Microsoft provides to developers to develop and execute cloud applications on local desktop. These tolls are part of the Windows Azure SDK.

1 Answers

Another option:

So, given the "rename your user account/regedit doesn't work for you, you may want to look at this MSDN article, which suggests you can just set an environment variable and run the emulator without mucking with the registry... not sure if setting the environment variable globally would let you run automatically within VS.NET without manually starting up the emulator the first time, but it is certainly easier.

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Doug Rohrer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09

Doug Rohrer