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Task.Wait in ContinueWhenAll Action






I was working on encorperating threads into my azure code for putting things on a queue. to do this i used http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=19222 as a reference.

my code to enqueue multiple messages looks like this:

public void AddMessagesAsync(IEnumerable<IQueueMessage> messages, string queue = null, TimeSpan? timeToLive = null)
  //check if we need to switch queues
  if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(queue))

  //setup list of messages to enqueue
  var tasks = new List<Task>();
  Parallel.ForEach(messages, current => {
    if (timeToLive.HasValue)
      //create task with TPL
      var task = Task.Factory.FromAsync(Current.BeginAddMessage, Current.EndAddMessage, Convert(current), timeToLive.Value, tasks); 
      //setup continuation to trigger eventhandler
      tasks.Add(task.ContinueWith((t) => AddMessageCompleted(t)));
      //create task with TPL
      var task = Task.Factory.FromAsync(Current.BeginAddMessage, Current.EndAddMessage, Convert(current), tasks);
      //setup continuation to trigger eventhandler
      tasks.Add(task.ContinueWith((t) => AddMessageCompleted(t)));

  //setup handler to trigger when all messages are enqueued, a we are blocking the thread over there to wait for all the threads to complete
  Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks.ToArray(), (t) => AddMessagesCompleted(t));               

private void AddMessagesCompleted(Task[] tasks)
    //wait for all tasks to complete
  catch (AggregateException e)
    //log the exception
    var ex = e;
    //return ex;

  if (AddedMessages != null)
    AddedMessages(tasks, EventArgs.Empty);

Now my question is about the Task.Wait in the continuation (which is according to the document provided by MS). it seems a bit strange to wait for threads where you already know the have completed right? the only reason i can imagine is to bubble the errors and process those. am i missing something here?

like image 874
Didier Caron Avatar asked Aug 10 '11 08:08

Didier Caron

1 Answers

Task.WaitAll() will throw an AggregateException when at least one of the Task instances was canceled -or- an exception was thrown during the execution of at least one of the Task instances.

ContinueWhenAll() will not throw this exception and its simply start your last task when everything finishes canceled or not etc.

like image 182
Skomski Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09
