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Azure AAD - The audience is invalid

I have create a webapi secured with azure active directory. I need to test this now and trying to use fiddler with an authorization header. I am trying to generate the token with below code.

Target obj = (Target)cmbTarget.SelectedItem;

AuthenticationResult authenticationResult;
string aadInstance = obj.AADInstance; // "https://login.windows.net/{0}";
string tenant = obj.Tenant; //"rudderless.onmicrosoft.com";
string apiResourceId = obj.ApiResourceId; //"15b4ac7f-23a8-4958-96a5-64159254690d";
string clientId = obj.ClientId; // "47cdc6c3-226a-4c38-b08e-055be8409056";

Uri redirectUri = new Uri(obj.RedirectUri); //new Uri("http://nativeclient");
string authority = string.Format(aadInstance, tenant);
authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority);

authenticationResult = this.authContext.AcquireToken(apiResourceId, 
                            clientId, redirectUri, PromptBehavior.Always);

txtToken.Text = authenticationResult.AccessToken;
Clipboard.SetText($"Bearer {txtToken.Text}");

I get the token generated successfully and when I am using the token to call the webapi it throwing 401 with message

WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The audience is invalid"

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Shiju Samuel Avatar asked Oct 31 '16 03:10

Shiju Samuel

People also ask

What is the Azure AD authority audience enumeration?

The Azure AD authority audience enumeration The tenant ID, which can be: A GUID (the ID of your Azure AD instance), for single-tenant applications A domain name associated with your Azure AD instance (also for single-tenant applications)

How to set up aadauthorityaudience in Azure AD?

Set the audience in your code/configuration to AadAuthorityAudience.PersonalMicrosoftAccount (or TenantID ="consumers"). The client ID is the unique application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the app was registered. The redirect URI is the URI the identity provider will send the security tokens back to.

What happens if you don’t specify an audience in MSAL?

MSAL will throw a meaningful exception if you specify both the Azure AD authority audience and the tenant ID. If you don't specify an audience, your app will target Azure AD and personal Microsoft accounts as an audience. (That is, it will behave as though common were specified.)

How do Azure AD cloud authorities work?

Azure AD cloud authorities have two parts: The identity provider instance The sign-in audience for the app The instance and audience can be concatenated and provided as the authority URL.

2 Answers

I think it is important to revisit the different steps of authentication, and hopefully through the discussion you will be able to solve the issue you are having.

When a client is trying to get an access token to a resource, it needs to specify to AAD which resource it wants to get a token for. A client may be configured to call multiple resources, all with different configurations, so it is an expectation that the resource is always specified in an Access Token Request.

The resource can either be an App ID GUID for the Resource, or a valid App ID URI which is registered on the Resource. AAD should be able to uniquely identify which resource you are trying to reach based on the value you provide. However, note that if you use an App ID GUID, you will get a token from AAD where the Audience claim is the App ID GUID. Alternatively, if you use an App ID URI, you will see that URI as the audience claim in the token.

In both situations, you will get a token for the 'same' resource, but the claim in the token will appear differently. Additionally, it may be possible that a single application resource may have multiple App ID URIs registered on their app. Depending on which one you use in the authentication request, you will get a different audience claim in the token which matches the resource parameter you passed in.

Finally, once you get the token, you send it over to the Resource API who will validate the token for a number of things, such as: the Client ID Claim, the Scopes/Roles Claims, the authentication method ('acr' claim), and definitely that the audience claim matches what they expect!

This means that the Resource API ultimately needs to say "I accept < App ID GUID > as a valid Audience Claim"... or "I accept < App ID URI > as a valid Audience Claim". This kind of logic may be built into the library you are using (like OWIN), but you need to make sure that on your API side, you have it configured correctly for the Audiences you expect. You could, if you wanted, make it so that your API does not check the Audience claim at all! All the claims in the token are plaintext, and thus you could really do whatever you want, but you would not have a very secure API in that situation :]

End of the day, my hunch is that this error is coming from your own API, and it is happening because you have not configured your app to accept an Audience claim which matches your Resource's App ID GUID (which it looks like what you are passing when you are getting a token based on your code sample).

I hope this solves your issue!

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Shawn Tabrizi Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Shawn Tabrizi


After implementing the instructions found in this Protected web API: Code configuration article, I received an error message similar to the OP's:

WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The audience is invalid"

The problem turned out to be my AzureAd > ClientId setting in my appsettings.json file.


I updated the appsettings.json file of my ASP.NET Core Web API app so that the ClientId setting used the "Application ID URI" found in portal.Azure.com under my App Registriation > "Expose An API" section.

enter image description here

The section in appsettings.json looks similar to this:

"AzureAd": {
    "Instance": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/",
    // ClientId = Portal.Azure.com > App Registration > Expose an API > "Application ID URI"
like image 41
Tod Birdsall Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

Tod Birdsall