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aws-vpc containers do not have access to the internet

I created ECS service in AWS ECS cluster. My container uses the awsvpc network mode. The service has no load balancer.

But it cannot touch any public internet resources.

When I go to the ECS instance and ssh into docker container I cannot wget any public resources.

root@ip-10-3-1-23:/app# traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  * * *
 2  * * *
 3  * * *
 4  * * *
 5  * * *
 6  *^C
root@ip-10-3-1-23:/app# wget google.com
--2019-08-31 22:34:38--  http://google.com/
Resolving google.com (google.com)..., 2607:f8b0:4004:807::200e
Connecting to google.com (google.com)||:80... ^C

EC2 instance security group:


Type            Protocol        Port Range      Source                      Description
All TCP         TCP             0 - 65535     
SSH             TCP             22              sg-5c260123 (mgmt-bastion)  
Custom TCP Rule TCP             51678           sg-0784b8f53ab37c234 (mgmt-jenkins-sg)


Type            Protocol        Port Range      Source                      Description
All traffic     All             All   

Service security group:


Type            Protocol        Port Range      Source                      Description
All TCP         TCP             0 - 65535


Type            Protocol        Port Range      Source                      Description
All traffic     All             All   

Could you help me debug it, how to allow for internet access, please?

like image 535
Daniel Hornik Avatar asked Aug 31 '19 20:08

Daniel Hornik

People also ask

Why can't my EC2 instance in a private subnet connect to the internet?

To troubleshoot why your Amazon EC2 can't access the internet, do the following: Verify that the EC2 instance meets all prerequisites. Verify that the instance has a public IP address. Verify that a firewall isn't blocking the access.

How do instances without a public IP access the internet in AWS?

Instances without public IP addresses can route their traffic through a NAT gateway or a NAT instance to access the Internet. These instances use the public IP address of the NAT gateway or NAT instance to traverse the Internet.

Can AWS private subnet access internet?

The instances in the public subnet can send outbound traffic directly to the internet, whereas the instances in the private subnet can't. Instead, the instances in the private subnet can access the internet by using a network address translation (NAT) gateway that resides in the public subnet.

2 Answers

From the AWS Documentation :

The awsvpc network mode does not provide task ENIs with public IP addresses for tasks that use the EC2 launch type. To access the internet, tasks that use the EC2 launch type must be launched in a private subnet that is configured to use a NAT gateway. For more information, see NAT Gateways in the Amazon VPC User Guide. Inbound network access must be from within the VPC using the private IP address or DNS hostname, or routed through a load balancer from within the VPC. Tasks launched within public subnets do not have outbound network access.

like image 162
Pacifist Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10


I fixed the issue by adding one entry in the Route table for subnet where the ECS task is created in.

Destination       Target       local         nat-02dcc4c6b32bdae00
like image 43
Daniel Hornik Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10

Daniel Hornik