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How do I include an S3 bucket name and region/endpoint in a single URL?

If I have a bucket named mybucket in region=us-east-1, then I can access it using

aws s3 ls s3://mybucket --region=us-east-1

However, that requires passing two pieces of information:

  1. The URL s3://mybucket
  2. The region us-east-1 (or the endpoint, whichever)

Ideally, a URL is a uniform resource locator. It is great that it has the protocol (s3) and the bucket name, but is there an AWS S3-standard single URL that encodes both the region and the bucket name, such that I can do:

aws s3 ls s3://mybucket_url_including_region_or_endpoint


To clarify, I am not looking for the list of endpoints. I am looking for how an s3 URL really can be a uniform resource locator, by encapsulating all of the necessary information inside it to obtain the resource (minus auth credentials, of course).

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deitch Avatar asked Dec 13 '16 07:12


2 Answers

The proper way to include the S3 region for a bucket is to include it in the URL properly.

Note: "s3.amazonaws.com" is often mis-used when referencing buckets in regions outside of us-east-1. It can be, and often is used to do so. But, doing so makes knowing which region you are actually operating in less obvious, and this can be problematic in some scenerios.

If you wanted to specifically reference a bucket called "mybucket" in us-east-2 then the best way to do this is one of the following:

Host-Style Naming: http://mybucket.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
Path-Style Naming: http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/mybucket

In either one of those examples, you will always connect to us-west-2 when referencing "mybucket".

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Joshua Briefman Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Joshua Briefman

There is no provision in the s3:// scheme for encoding the region.

Note also that the "U" in URL stands for uniform, not universal.

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Michael - sqlbot Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Michael - sqlbot