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AWS CloudFormation function call fails: Fn::ImportValue must not depend on any resources, imported values, or Fn::GetAZs

I have a cloud formation template (mainVPC) that creates few Subnets in a VPC and exports the subnets with names "PrivateSubnetA", "PrivateSubnetB" ... I have a different cloud formation template that creates DBSubnetGroup. I want to use "PrivateSubnetA", "PrivateSubnetB" as default values if user does not provide data. CloundFormation does not support imported values in parameters. So I put some default value (XXXX) and had a condition section to see if the user has provided some input

  userNotProvidedSubnetA: !Equals 
    - !Ref PrivateSubnetA
    - XXXX
  userNotProvidedSubnetB: !Equals 
    - !Ref PrivateSubnetB
    - XXXX

This helps me in figuring out if the user has provided data. Now I want to use default values, if the user has not provided values, else use user-provided values. below is code for that

    Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup'
      DBSubnetGroupDescription: RDS Aurora Cluster Subnet Group
        - !If 
          - userNotProvidedSubnetA
          - Fn::ImportValue:
                !Sub  '${fmMainVpc}-PrivateSubnetA'
          - !Ref PrivateSubnetA
        - !If 
          - userNotProvidedSubnetB
          - Fn::ImportValue:
                !Sub '${fmMainVpc}-PrivateSubnetB'
          - !Ref PrivateSubnetB

This fails with the error "Template error: the attribute in Fn::ImportValue must not depend on any resources, imported values, or Fn::GetAZs". ImportValue is not used anywhere else in the template.

Is there a way for using exported values as default values ( the default values cannot be hardcoded, they come as exported values from a run of another stack), while providing an option for the users to provide their own values (to create resources).


like image 411
Nagarjuna Arigapudi Avatar asked Sep 09 '18 01:09

Nagarjuna Arigapudi

People also ask

What is ImportValue in CloudFormation?

The intrinsic function Fn::ImportValue returns the value of an output exported by another stack. You typically use this function to create cross-stack references. In the following example template snippets, Stack A exports VPC security group values and Stack B imports them.

How do I import output into CloudFormation?

The Outputs block is at the top level of your template, then comes the logical name of your output, and finally the Export with the Name of what you want to export. In order to use a reference to myVPC in another template you just need to import it using a Cloudformation intrinsic function called ImportValue .

How do you specify availability zone in CloudFormation?

The name of the region for which you want to get the Availability Zones. You can use the AWS::Region pseudo parameter to specify the region in which the stack is created. Specifying an empty string is equivalent to specifying AWS::Region .

1 Answers

This can also be caused by having a reference inside Fn::ImportValue to a parameter be misnamed. For example, if I have the following parameter NetworkStackName defined and I mis-reference it in the Fn::ImportValue statement (as NetworkName), I will get this error. I would need to change the NetworkName to match the value in Parameters, NetworkStackName to fix the error.

      Type: String
      Default: happy-network-topology
    Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance
      Engine: MySQL
          !Sub "${NetworkName}-DBSubnetGroup"
like image 58
user1847 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09
