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Dynamic environment variables for AWS Lambda using cloudformation template

I have to use AWS lambda in various stack of my application, thus I have created a generic cloud-formation template to create a lambda function. This template can be included in another cloud-formation template for further use as a nested stack.

    # Basics
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: AWS CloudFormation Template to create a lambda function for java 8 or nodejs

# Parameters
    Type: String
    Description: Funciton Name
    Type: String
    Description: Handler Name
    Type: String
    Description: Name of s3 bucket where the function code is present
    Default: my-deployment-bucket
    Type: String
    Description: Function code present in s3 bucket
    Type: Number
    Description: Memory size between 128 MB - 1536 MB and multiple of 64
    MinValue: '128'
    MaxValue: '1536'
    Default: '128'
    Type: String
    Description: Role ARN for this function
    Type: String
    Description: Runtime Environment name e.g nodejs, java8
    AllowedPattern: ^(nodejs6.10|nodejs4.3|java8)$
    ConstraintDescription: must be a valid environment (nodejs6.10|nodejs4.3|java8) name.
    Type: Number
    Description: Timeout in seconds
    Default: '3'
    Type: String
    Description: Environment Variable with format Key|value
    Default: ''
    Type: String
    Description: Environment Variable with format Key|value
    Default: ''
    Type: String
    Description: Environment Variable with format Key|value
    Default: ''
    Type: String
    Description: Environment Variable with format Key|value
    Default: ''

# Conditions
  Env1Exist: !Not [ !Equals [!Ref Env1, '']]
  Env2Exist: !Not [ !Equals [!Ref Env2, '']]
  Env3Exist: !Not [ !Equals [!Ref Env3, '']]
  Env4Exist: !Not [ !Equals [!Ref Env4, '']]

# Resources
    Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
        S3Bucket: !Ref 'FunctionCodeS3Bucket'
        S3Key: !Ref 'FunctionCodeS3Key'
      Description: !Sub 'Lambda function for: ${FunctionName}'
            - Env1Exist
              - !Select [0, !Split ["|", !Ref Env1]]: !Select [1, !Split ["|", !Ref Env1]]
              - 'Fn::If':
                - Env2Exist
                - !Select [0, !Split ["|", !Ref Env2]]: !Select [1, !Split ["|", !Ref Env2]]
                - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
              - 'Fn::If':
                - Env3Exist
                - !Select [0, !Split ["|", !Ref Env3]]: !Select [1, !Split ["|", !Ref Env3]]
                - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
              - 'Fn::If':
                - Env4Exist
                - !Select [0, !Split ["|", !Ref Env4]]: !Select [1, !Split ["|", !Ref Env4]]
                - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
            - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
      FunctionName: !Ref 'FunctionName'
      Handler: !Ref 'HandlerName'
      MemorySize: !Ref 'MemorySize'
      Role: !Ref 'RoleARN'
      Runtime: !Ref 'Runtime'
      Timeout: !Ref 'Timeout'
    Value: !GetAtt 'LambdaFunction.Arn'

I want to inject the environment variables to the the function and that will be passed from parent stack as below:

# Resouces
  # Lambda for search Function
    Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
      TemplateURL: <<REF_TO_ABOVE_LAMBDA_STACK.yml>>
        FunctionName: test
        HandlerName: 'index.handler'
        FunctionCodeS3Bucket: <<BUCKET_NAME>>
        FunctionCodeS3Key: <<FUNCTION_DEPLOYMENT_NAME>>
        MemorySize: '256'
        RoleARN: <<ROLE_ARN>>
        Runtime: nodejs6.10
        Timeout: '60'
        Env1: !Sub 'AWS_REGION|${AWS::Region}'

When I deploy this stack, I am getting below error. Can anybody help me to resolve this one?

Template format error: [/Resources/LambdaFunction/Type/Environment/Variables/Fn::If/1/0] map keys must be strings; received a map instead

Passing key-value parameter is referred from here

like image 958
Rishikesh Darandale Avatar asked Nov 16 '17 14:11

Rishikesh Darandale

People also ask

How do you call a Lambda function in CloudFormation template?

In an AWS CloudFormation template, you can specify a Lambda function as the target of a custom resource. Use custom resources to process parameters, retrieve configuration values, or call other AWS services during stack lifecycle events. The following example invokes a function that's defined elsewhere in the template.

Is it possible to trigger a Lambda on creation from CloudFormation template?

Yes, it is possible. Here are a few options: Manually create an SNS Topic. Add an AWS::SNS::Subscription to your stack with the lambda function as the Endpoint and the SNS topic as the TopicArn .

2 Answers

So, I tried so many ways to achieve this, but we can not pass the dynamic key-value pair to nested lambda stack from the parent stack. I had a confirmation from the AWS support that this is not possible as this moment.

They suggested a another way which I liked and implemented and its mentioned as below:

Pass the key: value pair as a JSON string and parse it appropriately in the lambda function.

    Env1: '{"REGION": "REGION_VALUE", "ENDPOINT": "http://SOME_ENDPOINT"}'  

This suggestion has a little overhead on programming to parse the JSON string, but at this moment I will recommend this as solution for above problem.

like image 131
Rishikesh Darandale Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09

Rishikesh Darandale

I achieved this with the PyPlate macro. Take environment variables list in a commalimited

    Type: CommaDelimitedList
    Description: Comma separated list of Env vars key=value pairs (key1=value1,key2=value2)

and use it in the Lambda Resource:

    Variables: |
      output = dict()
      for envVar in params['EnvVars']:
        key, value = envVar.split('=')
        output.update({key: value})
like image 31
Anchal Chaudhary Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09

Anchal Chaudhary