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awk extract multiple groups from each line

How do I perform action on all matching groups when the pattern matches multiple times in a line?

To illustrate, I want to search for /Hello! (\d+)/ and use the numbers, for example, print them out or sum them, so for input

abcHello! 200 300 Hello! Hello! 400z3
Hello! 0

If I decided to print them out, I'd expect the output of

like image 926
Adrian Panasiuk Avatar asked Jul 12 '09 15:07

Adrian Panasiuk

3 Answers

This is a simple syntax, and every awk (nawk, mawk, gawk, etc) can use this.

    while (match($0, /Hello! [0-9]+/)) {
        pattern = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH);
        sub(/Hello! /, "", pattern);
        print pattern;
        $0 = substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH);
like image 179
Hirofumi Saito Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 20:11

Hirofumi Saito

This is gawk syntax. It also works for patterns when there's no fixed text that can work as a record separator and doesn't match over linefeeds:

     pattern = "([a-g]+|[h-z]+)"
     while (match($0, pattern, arr))
         val = arr[1]
         print val
         sub(pattern, "")
like image 45
Adrian Panasiuk Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 21:11

Adrian Panasiuk

GNU awk

awk 'BEGIN{ RS="Hello! ";}
    if ($1 != ""){ 
        print $1 
}' file
like image 1
ghostdog74 Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 20:11
