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Backreference does not work in PHP




Lately I've been studying (more in practice to tell the truth) regex, and I'm noticing his power. This demand made by me (link), I am aware of 'backreference'. I think I understand how it works, it works in JavaScript, while in PHP not.

For example I have this string:

[b]Text B[/b]
[i]Text I[/i]
[u]Text U[/u]
[s]Text S[/s]

And use the following regex:


This testing it on regex101.com works, the same for JavaScript, but does not work with PHP.

Example of preg_replace (not working):

echo preg_replace(

While this way works:

echo preg_replace(

I can not understand where I'm wrong, thanks to everyone who helps me.

like image 346
mikelplhts Avatar asked May 21 '15 20:05


1 Answers

It is because you use a double quoted string, inside a double quoted string \1 is read as the octal notation of a character (the control character SOH = start of heading), not as an escaped 1.

So two ways:

use single quoted string:


or escape the backslash to obtain a literal backslash (for the string, not for the pattern):


As an aside, you can write your pattern like this:

$pattern = '~\[([bius])]\s*(.*?)\s*\[/\1]~i';

// with oniguruma notation
$pattern = '~\[([bius])]\s*(.*?)\s*\[/\g{1}]~i';

// oniguruma too but relative:
// (the second group on the left from the current position)
$pattern = '~\[([bius])]\s*(.*?)\s*\[/\g{-2}]~i'; 
like image 162
Casimir et Hippolyte Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Casimir et Hippolyte