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Avoid non-exhaustive pattern match when using para recursion-scheme

Below is some code which I wrote as an exercise for using para from recursion-schemes (I know that this reduced example could also be solved using just cata, but let's ignore this for this question).

While doing this, I noticed that I have to do a non-exhaustive pattern match when I'm using para if I want to access the expression tree of any of the arguments to the Depth constructor.

I found an alternative implementation of gcata' and para' that don't have this issue, and also don't require a Comonad, but just a Functor instance on w. This makes me wonder: Why wasn't this version used in the implementation of recursion-schemes? Is there anything wrong with it, or are there just better ways to achieve what I'm looking for?

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Test where

import Data.Functor
import Data.Functor.Foldable

data ExprF a = Depth a a -- ^ Counts the maximum depth of the tree
             | Unit
  deriving Functor
type Expr = Fix ExprF

unit :: Expr
unit = Fix Unit

depth :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
depth a b = Fix $ Depth a b

evalDepth :: Expr -> Int
evalDepth = cata phi where
  phi Unit = 0
  phi (Depth a b) = max a b + 1

eval :: Expr -> Int
eval = para phi where
  phi Unit = 0
  phi (Depth (Fix (Depth a b), _) _) = evalDepth a + evalDepth b
--            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- at this point is the whole *current* expression tree, not just
-- the subtree that was given as first argument to `depth`

-- Is this possible without definining gcata' / para' myself with the current API?

eval' :: Expr -> Int
eval' = para' phi where
  phi Unit = 0
  phi (Depth (a,_) (b,_)) = evalDepth a + evalDepth b
--            ^     ^
-- a and b are just the first and second argument to `depth`. No need
-- to do a pattern match which might go wrong.

gcata' :: forall t w a. (Foldable t, Functor w)
       => (forall b. Base t (w b) -> w (Base t b))
       -> (Base t (w a) -> a)
       -> t -> a
gcata' k g = fst . c where
  c :: t -> (a, w a)
  c y = (g x, g x <$ k x) where
    x :: Base t (w a)
    x = fmap (snd . c) . project $ y

para' :: (Foldable t, Unfoldable t) => (Base t (t,a) -> a) -> t -> a
para' = gcata' distPara

And here is an example how to use it:

eval' (depth (depth unit unit) (depth (depth unit unit) unit)
-- 3
eval (depth (depth unit unit) (depth (depth unit unit) unit))
-- 3

As you can see, both functions do the same, calculating the maximum depth of the tree (without counting the most outer depth call itself)

like image 444
bennofs Avatar asked Jul 12 '14 20:07


1 Answers

para is a very very special case.

Notably it uses (,) (Mu f) as its choice of Comonad.

This Comonad has a lot more structure than most.

Notably, it is left adjoint as (,) e -| (->) e.

Why does this matter? Well (,) e preserves colimits, and thus it only has one a inside of it.

So you can get away with g x <$ k x -- because you're only replacing one thing!

For any more interesting Comonad your gcata' should fail.

When you have more than one a to replace in w a, you're throwing away information, so this won't be a universal recursion scheme.

like image 132
Edward Kmett Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10

Edward Kmett