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Avoid false-positive -Wswitch warnings




Let's have a list of values (foo.lst):


Let's make an enum out of this

enum foo {
  #include "foo.lst"

Let's use that enum in a switch:

int main(void) {
  enum foo[_foo_length];

  switch(f[0]) {
    case foo: return 0;
    case bar: return 0;
    case baz: return 0;


(this code is dumb, but just ignore that)

The problem:
With -Wswitch (included in -Wall), GCC and Clang (and probably others) will warn:

warning: enumeration value '_foo_length' not handled in switch [-Wswitch]


  • Disabling -Wno-switch hides that warning.
    Downside: we lose warnings about any other case missing from the switch.
  • Adding a default: unreachable(); case.
    Downside: we lose compile-time warnings of missing cases, in favour of a runtime crash if we ever hit one of the missing cases when debugging.
  • Replacing the last value of the enum with a #define _foo_length (baz + 1), making it not part of the enum anymore.
    Downside: it requires that define to be manually updated every time a value is added to the list. Someone will invariably forget, breaking everything.

Ideally, there should be a way to mark an enum's value as no being assignable, thereby making it not produce a warning in the compiler when reading the possible values and this one isn't there, without requiring a preprocessor macro needing duplicate modifications.

Is there anything like that? Any other option I didn't think of?

like image 853
1ace Avatar asked Aug 26 '16 16:08


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1 Answers


case _foo_length:

so that all the cases will be handled. You could create a macro for it to keep it from being so verbose.

like image 163
Barmar Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
