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AVD Freezes after sometime

I'm using Android Studio as my IDE for development. And i created a virtual device that was a preset for Nexus 5. Here are the details for the AVD,

AVD Details

So when i build my app for the first time and ran it using the emulator, it got frozen at the lock screen. By that time i wasn't looking at any logs. Then i ran it again and then it was successfull. But i let it be for some time (approx. 10 mins), and when i checked again the AVD was frozen. Then i saw the logcat logger was writing in an endless loop the following error,

02-02 17:48:32.768 1233-1259/system_process E/libsuspend﹕ Error writing to /sys/power/state: No such device

It just keeps on writing. And the ADB logs had the following,

PropertyFetcher: AdbCommandRejectedException getting properties for device emulator-5554: device offline

Why is this happening? Is it some kind of a configuration issue?

like image 852
k9yosh Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 04:03


1 Answers

Try locking and unlocking your emulator by clicking F7. ( Check the logcat updates when you do this)

like image 85
Shruti Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 11:04
