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IntelliJ / Android Studio - how to activate proguard to obfuscate code - step by step?

I was searching everywhere for answer, but did not find any.

The main problem is that eveyone says about proguard configuration file, but there is none, IntelliJ / Android Studio does not generate such a file, there is none in SDK dir, so how do I generate valid configuration file for proguard obfuscation?

like image 475
Flash Thunder Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 08:03

Flash Thunder

1 Answers

I know i'm bit late in answering but here is the answer This blog contains all the stuff you need from the scratch step by step with images.

  1. In android Studio open your project in Project view
  2. Open app's build.gradle file.
  3. Change

minifyEnable false


minifyEnable true

These are steps to enable the proguard. If you want advance view then you can visit following link.

Blogger have answered very briefly on this topic

like image 183
Chintan Desai Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 23:03

Chintan Desai