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Autorelease pool page corrupted

Whenever I am using ASIHTTPRequest for making webservice calls I am randomly getting the following crash:

autorelease pool page 0x9418000 corrupted  
  magic a1a1a100 4f545541 454c4552 21455341  
  pthread 0xb0103000 

My code is ARC-fied and used -fno-objc-arc for the .m files of ASIHTTP class.

Does anybody have an idea about this or did anybody face this kind of issue before? Thanks in advance!

like image 212
Javvadi Rajesh Avatar asked Apr 01 '13 13:04

Javvadi Rajesh

1 Answers

This likely indicates that you're stomping memory somewhere else. I'd start by turning on memory diagnostics and looking for mistakes. The most likely place to cause these kinds of mistakes is in C code, particularly when using C arrays or C strings. You're probably writing outside of your allocated memory, or writing into memory after you freed it.

There have at times been compiler bugs that would cause this kind of problem, but these are very rare, and I would strongly suspect your code first.

like image 98
Rob Napier Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09

Rob Napier