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Autocomplete with MVC 4 / Razor

I think I am missing something obvious while attempting to add autocomplete functionality in MVC 4. From what I have found in other posts I have been able to put together an example however the method in my controller is not being called.

What I have tried so far...




Public Function Numbers(term As String) As ActionResult
    Return Json(New String() {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)
End Function

View (I have hard coded the Home/Numbers for now)

<div class="editor-label">
    @Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model.Number)
<div class="editor-field">
    @Html.EditorFor(Function(model) model.Number)
    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(Function(model) model.Number)

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
            source: 'Home/Numbers',
            minLength: 1

When I run my app and type in the textbox nothing happens. I have put a breakpoint in the "Numbers" function and it seems that it is never called.

My project can be found here http://www.filedropper.com/testapp

like image 272
Newm Avatar asked Nov 19 '12 14:11


People also ask

Does MVC use razor?

Razor is one of the view engines supported in ASP.NET MVC. Razor allows you to write a mix of HTML and server-side code using C# or Visual Basic.

What is AutoComplete TextBox in asp net?

The ASP.NET Web Forms AutoComplete is a textbox control that provides a list of suggestions to select from as the user types. It has several out-of-the-box features such as data binding, filtering, grouping, UI customization, accessibility, and more.

Why we use Razor View Engine in MVC?

Razor view engine in asp.net mvc is the syntax that allows you to write server-side code on view. It helps to combine code and HTML in a fluid manner. Razor is not a new programming language. If you know C#, Vb.Net, and bit HTML, you can easily write Razor code.

2 Answers

If you have the @Scripts.Render lines at the bottom of the body element in the layout and after the @RenderBody() you need to put your script in the scripts section:

@section scripts
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
            source: '@Url.Action("Numbers","Home")',
            minLength: 1
End Section

Because your script depends on jQuery so jQuery should be loaded first.

Or just move your @Scripts.Render declaration into the head in the layout then you don't need to put your code into the scripts section (but you are better off with using the section)

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nemesv Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09


I suggest you to control errors in Chrome to ensure that jQuery libraries working properly. if there is no problem, Try this script :

$(document).ready(function () { 
    $("#Number").each(function () {
        $(this).autocomplete({ source: $(this).attr("data-autocomplete") });

Then in your Razor (C#):

<input type="text" id="Number" data-autocomplete="@Url.Action("Action","Controller")" autocomplete="on" />

If you want to use Razor Html Helpers instead of using 'input' tag, The id attribute is the same name of Model.Member. Notice that in Controller, you must input string with the 'term' name, as written in your code. For security reasons, you must avoid using parameters in js file that shows the site technology. The method declared above never uses js file to get address of resource.

like image 36
Amirhossein Mehrvarzi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Amirhossein Mehrvarzi