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Auto-restart app after market update

Anytime I publish a new version of my app in the Market, if the user had enabled the "auto update" option, the app will be updated automatically.

The app contains a service that runs constantly. But when the automatic update happens, the old running app is killed, but the new one is not started. Since the update happens mostly transparently to the user, it makes sense that the app's service should be started again automatically after the update so that there is almost no interruption of the service.

It's a bit difficult to test this with a real update from the market, so I'm using the following two adb commands to simulate this update process. Install of the 1st version:

adb install oldversion.apk

Automatic update:

adb install -r newversion.apk

After I run the second command, the app gets successfully updated, but it has been stopped and not restarted.

How can we make the new version's service start automatically?

like image 655
gpo Avatar asked Mar 22 '13 13:03


People also ask

Why do my Android apps restart all over again if I minimize them how do I fix this?

What deep clean does is, whenever you minimize an app , it releases all the memory associated with that app , and hence when you again open that app, it will start as if it is new. To check the 'deep clean' option, go to the developer options of your phone. If it is not enabled please enable it.

1 Answers

If your app is running on API 12 or higher, I would recommend registering a BroadcastReceiver listening to android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED.

This Intent is only triggered if YOUR application got an update.

like image 78
janwo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09
