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Auto calculate total sum of a column with numeric data in datatable footer

When numeric data are listed in a <p:dataTable> (or <h:dataTable>), is there any way to get the total sum in the summary row in table's footer without calculating it in the backing bean and providing it as again another bean property?

like image 857
Buddhika Ariyaratne Avatar asked Dec 08 '13 17:12

Buddhika Ariyaratne

1 Answers

If your environment supports Java EE 7's new EL 3.0 (e.g. WildFly 8), then you can make use of new support for Java 8-like Stream and Lambda operations in EL (yes, this works even when using Java 7).

In your particular case, you can use the EL 3.0 equivalent of Java 8's IntStream#sum() (or DoubleStream#sum(), depending on property type):

<h:dataTable value="#{bean.items}" var="item">
    <f:facet name="footer">
        Total: #{bean.items.stream().map(item->item.number).sum()}
like image 71
BalusC Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09
