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Authenticating user with LDAP from PHP with only SamAccountName and Password?




how can I authenticate from PHP using LDAP when I only have the SamAccountName and Password? Is there a way to bind with just SamAccountName and Password and without Distinguished Name. The only examples I have found assume you have the DN:

$dn = "cn=$username, "; 
$basedn="ou=users, ou=accounts, dc=domain, dc=com";

if (!($connect = ldap_connect($server))) { 
   die ("Could not connect to LDAP server"); 

if (!($bind = ldap_bind($connect, "$dn" . "$basedn", $password))) {        
   die ("Could not bind to $dn"); 

$sr = ldap_search($connect, $basedn,"$filter"); 
$info = ldap_get_entries($connect, $sr); 
like image 871
user840930 Avatar asked Nov 30 '11 10:11


People also ask

How do I authenticate users using LDAP?

In order to authenticate a user with an LDAP directory you first need to obtain their DN as well as their password. With a login form, people typically enter a simple identifier such as their username or email address. You don't expect them to memorise the DN of their directory entry.

What are three ways to LDAP authenticate?

LDAP v3 supports three types of authentication: anonymous, simple and SASL authentication.

1 Answers

This works for me. I spent many a days trying to figure this one out.


//We just need six varaiables here
$baseDN = 'CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=local';
$adminDN = "YourAdminDN";//this is the admin distinguishedName
$adminPswd = "YourAdminPass";
$username = 'Username';//this is the user samaccountname
$userpass = 'UserPass';
$ldap_conn = ldap_connect('ldaps://yourADdomain.local');//I'm using LDAPS here

if (! $ldap_conn) {
        echo ("<p style='color: red;'>Couldn't connect to LDAP service</p>");
else {    
        echo ("<p style='color: green;'>Connection to LDAP service successful!</p>");
//The first step is to bind the administrator so that we can search user info
$ldapBindAdmin = ldap_bind($ldap_conn, $adminDN, $adminPswd);

if ($ldapBindAdmin){
    echo ("<p style='color: green;'>Admin binding and authentication successful!!!</p>");

    $filter = '(sAMAccountName='.$username.')';
    $attributes = array("name", "telephonenumber", "mail", "samaccountname");
    $result = ldap_search($ldap_conn, $baseDN, $filter, $attributes);

    $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap_conn, $result);  
    $userDN = $entries[0]["name"][0];  
    echo ('<p style="color:green;">I have the user DN: '.$userDN.'</p>');

    //Okay, we're in! But now we need bind the user now that we have the user's DN
    $ldapBindUser = ldap_bind($ldap_conn, $userDN, $userpass);

        echo ("<p style='color: green;'>User binding and authentication successful!!!</p>");        

        ldap_unbind($ldap_conn); // Clean up after ourselves.

    } else {
        echo ("<p style='color: red;'>There was a problem binding the user to LDAP :(</p>");   

} else {
    echo ("<p style='color: red;'>There was a problem binding the admin to LDAP :(</p>");   
like image 101
Daniel Murphy Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 08:09

Daniel Murphy