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Atom Editor - status bar is missing



How is this bar called? Status bar?

enter image description here

My friend can not see it in his editor, how can he get it back?

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utiq Avatar asked Apr 26 '17 14:04


People also ask

How do I get my Atom toolbar back?

You can bring it back from the Command Palette with Window: Toggle Menu Bar or by pressing Alt . You can disable hiding the menu bar with Alt by unchecking Settings > Core > Auto Hide Menu Bar .

Where is the Atom status bar?

The Status Bar is located in the footer area of the main Maestro window, just below the Workspace. It provides counts of the atoms and residues that are selected and displayed in the Workspace, as well as summary information about all the structures included there.

How do I reset Atom editor?

Press CTRL-ALT-X in the workspace to restart Atom.

How do I show the console in an Atom?

Usage. Toggle atom-console with alt-ctrl-x , then enter any command specified within Atom.

1 Answers

This bar is provided by the status-bar package.

Like many Atom packages, it has a settings panel.

  • Settings
  • Packages
  • search for "status bar"
  • click "Settings" on "status-bar" package

There you will fine a checkbox, "Is Visible". It is probably unchecked.

Another possibility is that this package has been disabled. Just click "Enable" in that case to turn it back on.

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Dan Lowe Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

Dan Lowe