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How can I customize the comment styles that come with Atom One Dark theme?



I'm new to Atom and I was wondering if we could customize the comment styles that come with the One Dark Syntax Theme via the style.less (Atom > Stylesheet...) file. I looked up the source code for the theme and in the language.less file I found this:

.comment {
color: @mono-3;
font-style: italic;

.markup.link {
color: @mono-3;

Specifically, I would like to change to font-style to normal but I can't seem to find a way, please help. Thanks.

like image 883
JS starter Avatar asked May 29 '16 07:05

JS starter

2 Answers

You shouldn't use atom-text-editor::shadow any more

enter image description here

You should now use

atom-text-editor.editor .syntax--comment {
  font-style: normal;
like image 100
Abdalla Arbab Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Abdalla Arbab


Atom has changed and the accepted answer is now the one you should use!

[Old Answer]

The elements you're trying to target are inside the text editor element's shadow DOM; try

atom-text-editor::shadow .comment {
  font-style: normal;
like image 44
Michelle Tilley Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Michelle Tilley