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At run-time, from a .Net application, how do I set the "description" field displayed in Task Manager?

I have a general executable that hosts a single plugin which is selected according to the command line arguments. In Task manager, there is a column entitled "Description", which is blank for my process. As there are several instances of my host process running, I can't tell which process is which in Task Manager. How do I update the value of the description field at run-time so that I can identify which plugin is loaded in which process?

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Nathan Ridley Avatar asked Mar 05 '12 11:03

Nathan Ridley

1 Answers

It is the Value of the Assembly Title (not the Description).

    [assembly: AssemblyTitle("My Title")]

But as far as I can tell it is read-only.

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Henk Holterman Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Henk Holterman