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@instance_variable not available inside a ruby block?

With the following code:

def index
  @q = ""
  @q = params[:search][:q] if params[:search]
  q = @q
  @search = Sunspot.search(User) do
    keywords q
  @users = @search.results

If @q is used instead of q, the search always returns results for an empty query (""). Why is this? Is the @q variable unavailable to the do...end block?

like image 328
jakeonrails Avatar asked Mar 01 '11 04:03


1 Answers

It depends on how the block is being called. If it is called using the yield keyword or the Proc#call method, then you'll be able to use your instance variables in the block. If it's called using Object#instance_eval or Module#class_eval then the context of the block will be changed and you won't be able to access your instance variables.

@x = "Outside the class"

class Test
  def initialize
    @x = "Inside the class"

  def a(&block)

  def b(&block)

Test.new.a { @x } #=> "Outside the class"
Test.new.b { @x } #=> "Inside the class"

In your case, it looks like Sunspot.search is calling your block in a different context using instance_eval, because the block needs easy access to that keywords method.

like image 125
Paige Ruten Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Paige Ruten