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Equivalent to Array.some in ruby/rails

I would like to do the equivalent of Array.some in rails.

Here's an example applied to my usecase which is kind of a more complex include? (i want to apply this to *args):

ary = [:a, :b, :c, d: :x, e: :y] # => [:a, :b, :c, { :d => :x, :e => :y }]
search = :e
contained = ary.some { |x|
  x == search || x.try(:key?, search)
} # => true
assert contained, "We should have found #{search}"

I could do this with ary.map but that would mean go through the whole array and then again test it's contents. I could also use ary.drop_while and verify if it returns an empty array or not but again, i would need to test the result. I've also seen ary.bsearch but there are some strange limitations i don't quite understand about the order of elements.

Have i missed something ? Isn't there an easy way to do that ? i'm using ruby2 and rails 4 (edge).

like image 496
Crystark Avatar asked Mar 26 '13 16:03


1 Answers

Javascript Array.prototype.some is Ruby Enumerable#any?.

["1", "2", "3"].any? { |x| x.to_i == 2 } #=> true
like image 190
tokland Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10
