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@ in p4 filename

I'd like to script p4 a little. Unfortunately, some of the filenames that we're tracking have "@" in the filename.

The filenames are in the form a@b.xml. If I try to do something like p4 sync a\@b.xml on a mac (or p4 sync a@b.xml on windows) it gives the error:

Invalid changelist/client/label/date '@b.xml'

Is there another way to escape it that perforce will recognize?

like image 733
Denise Avatar asked May 27 '10 18:05


People also ask

What is a p4 file?

Provide information about files in the depot without accessing their contents.

How do I run a p4 command line?

Open p4v (visual Perforce client). Right click on the project folder. Click "Open Terminal". Now you can use p4 in a preconfigured console, you don't need to setup workspace and server connection.

What does p4 clean do?

Description. The p4 clean command takes the following actions when finding inconsistencies between files in a user's workspace and corresponding depot files: Files present in the workspace, but missing from the depot are deleted from the workspace. Files present in the depot, but missing from your workspace.

1 Answers

Yes. Use the ASCII expression of the character's hexadecimal value.

p4 sync a%40b.xml

See this article: Limitations on characters in filenames and entities.

like image 65
raven Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
