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@angular/platform-browser vs. @angular/platform-browser-dynamic

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What is Angular platform browser dynamic?

@angular/platform-browser-dynamiclinkSupports JIT compilation and execution of Angular apps on different supported browsers.

What are the difference between BrowserModule and platformBrowserDynamic in Angular 2?

platformBrowserDynamic is a function used to bootstrap an Angular application. CommonModule is a module that provides all kinds of services and directives one usually wants to use in an Angular2 application like ngIf .

What is platform dynamic?

What Is a Dynamic Infrastructure Platform? A dynamic infrastructure platform is a system that provides computing resources, particularly servers, storage, and networking, in a way that they can be programmatically allocated and managed.

The difference between platform-browser-dynamic and platform-browser is the way your angular app will be compiled.

Using the dynamic platform makes angular sending the Just-in-Time compiler to the front-end as well as your application. Which means your application is being compiled on client-side.

On the other hand, using platform-browser leads to an Ahead-of-Time pre-compiled version of your applicatiion being sent to the browser. Which usually means a significantally smaller package being sent to the browser.

The angular2-documentation for bootstrapping at https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/ngmodule.html#!#bootstrap explains it in more detail.

  • platform-browser contains code shared for browser execution (DOM thread, WebWorker)
  • platform-browser-dynamic contains the client side code that processes templates (bindings, components, ...) and reflective dependency injection

When the offline template compiler is used, platform-browser-dynamic isn't necessary anymore because all reflective access and metadata are converted to generated code.

If you still want to dynamically generate components like shown in https://stackoverflow.com/a/36017067/217408 then you need the dynamic stuff.

If you look closely at the history of the angular2 then you will find there are two version 1) beta version 2) release candidate version. At present it is r.c 3 (release candidate 3). Release candidate version means bug fix releases before the final release. So when angular2 moves to first release candidate version(rc1) from beta version then it make some directory change... for example


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i Hope you will find your answer. Thanks